
《APPLIED OPTICS》 Vol. 44, No. 13, P.2575 (2005)
"Collinear Holography"
Hideyoshi Horimai, Xiaodi Tan, Jun Li
  本论文也进入了2014年该杂志近10年被引用次数的 Top15 (第8名)

Fig.1 Collinear holography is the most promising method for ultra-high density and ultra-high speed volumetric optical storage. The special designed write and read pattern are used to record and reconstruct the hologram image with a single objective lens. 3um shift selectivity is uniform in all directions.
Fig.2 Modulation pattern displayed
on the SLM. (a) recording pattern,
and (b) reconstruction pattern
Fig.3 Optical configuration of the collinear holography as a novel reading and writing technology for a holographic storage system.
Fig.4 Schematic illustration of using a dichroic reflective structure disc media to record in the collinear holographic system. Fig.5 A page data format encoded from the user data to be used to the collinear holographic system.

《Optics letter》 Vol. 31, No. 9, P.1208 (2006)
"Analysis of a Collinear Holographic Storage System: Introduction of Pixel Spread Function"
Tsutomu Shimura, Shotaro Ichimura, Ryushi Fujimura, and Kazuo Kuroda, Xiaodi Tan and Hideyoshi Horimai,
Fig.6 Model for image-formation analysis in the collinear holographic storage system.
(a) The optical system, and (b) the arrangement of pixels in the spatial light modulator.

  简化理论模式是将空间光调制器上的一个画素看作一个点光源,从每个点光源发出的一束球面光波经过透镜(objective lens)后变成平行光束,每个平行光束在媒体中的传播方向可用该点光源在空间光调制器上的坐标来表征。在记录过程中,每一对画素产生一组干涉条纹,被记录成一套光栅。假设空间光调制器有N个画素的话,就会在记录媒体中产生 N(N-1)/2 套光栅。在再现过程中,只有参考光区域的画素会读取这些光栅,将这些被光栅衍射出来的光束用透镜(imaging lens)会聚到后焦面,就可获得相应的再现像。由于全息再现具有布拉格选择性,在理想情况下,只能再现原来发光的那些画素,在透镜(imaging lens)后焦面获得的应该是被记录的信息图案。但是,由于存在近似布拉格条件下的再现和布拉格兼并现象,在每一个理想再现画素周围会出现噪声图案。
Fig.7 Comparisons between calculated and experimental results. (a) Calculated and (b) experimental results of the image for a radial-line reference pattern. (c) Calculated and (d) experimental results of the image for a multiple-ring reference pattern.

This Page was written by Information Optics Laboratory (ryh@bit.edu.cn); at Mar. 20, 2015.